ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Traffic sign recognition

Ok kiddo, have you ever seen big signs on the road with different pictures or words on them? Those are called traffic signs! They tell drivers important things like when to stop, turn, or go slow.

Traffic sign recognition is when a special computer looks at pictures or videos of the road and tries to figure out what the signs say. Just like how you can read words on a page, the computer tries to "read" the pictures on the road.

But how does the computer know what the signs say? Well, it first has to be taught what all the different signs look like. Just like how you have to learn all the different letters and words in order to read a book.

Once the computer knows what all the signs look like, it can start looking for them on the road. When it sees a sign, it compares what it sees to what it learned before. If it matches up, the computer knows what the sign says!

This is really helpful for safe driving because sometimes drivers might miss a sign or not see it at all, but a computer can always be watching and make sure that drivers follow the rules and stay safe!