Training wheels are like little helpers that are attached to a small bicycle to help little kids learn how to ride it without falling over. They are two small wheels that are mounted onto the back of the bike, one on each side. The wheels spin around and help to stabilize the bike and keep it from tipping over.
When a kid first starts to learn how to ride a bicycle, they might not have good balance and may be scared of falling over. So, the training wheels act as a safety net. The child can ride the bike with the training wheels and they won't fall over as easily. This helps the kid to gain confidence and learn how to balance on the bike.
As the kid gets more comfortable riding with the training wheels, they can start to take small steps in learning how to ride without them. They can start with just lifting one foot off the ground or pushing themselves along with one foot while the other stays on the pedal. Eventually, the training wheels can be removed completely and the kid can ride the bike on their own.
So, training wheels are a helpful tool for kids to learn how to ride a bike safely and confidently without worrying about falling over.