ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tranquillizer gun

Some animals can be dangerous to humans when they are frightened or agitated. One way to keep people safe is to use a tranquillizer gun.

This gun is like a regular gun, but instead of shooting bullets, it shoots a special type of medicine called a tranquillizer. When the medicine hits the animal, it makes them very sleepy and relaxed, like the feeling you get when you take a nap.

This way, the animal won't be able to hurt anyone and can be safely moved or treated. The medicine may also include something to make the animal forget what happened, so they don't feel scared or confused when they wake up.

It's important to use a tranquillizer gun carefully, because it can also be dangerous to animals if they are given too much medicine or if it's not done correctly. And it's always best to leave it to the experts, like trained wildlife veterinarians or animal control officers, to properly use tranquilizer guns to help protect and care for animals.