ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transcriptional bursting

Sometimes, our body needs to make special things called proteins to do tasks like digesting our food or helping us move. Transcriptional bursting is like a way that our body turns on and off the production of these proteins.

Think about a light switch. When the switch is turned on, the light shines bright, but when it's turned off, the room gets dark. The same thing happens with transcriptional bursting. When our body wants to make a protein, it turns on a bunch of switches called genes that help make that protein. This is like turning on a bunch of light switches that make the room really bright. When enough of the protein is made, the switches get turned off and the protein production stops. This is like turning off the light switches, and the room gets dark again.

This process of turning genes on and off is really important in our body because we need the right amount of each protein for our body to work properly. It's like if we have too many lights on in a room, it can hurt our eyes, but if there aren't enough lights, we can't see what we're doing. Transcriptional bursting helps our body control the amount of protein being made, so everything stays balanced and works the way it's supposed to.