ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transformation between distributions in time–frequency analysis

Okay, so you know how when you're watching TV, the picture and the sound can sometimes get fuzzy and hard to hear? Well, imagine that happening with a sound or a piece of music that you're listening to. That's where time-frequency analysis comes in.

Basically, it's like taking that sound or piece of music and looking at it in a special way that helps us understand it better. It's kind of like putting on a special pair of glasses that makes things clearer.

But sometimes, we need to look at the same sound or music in different ways to understand different things about it. That's where transformation between distributions comes in.

It's like taking off the special glasses we were wearing before and putting on a new pair that show us different things. Kind of like how sunglasses make everything look darker, but clearer in the sun.

So, transformation between distributions just means looking at the same sound or music in different ways to help us understand it better. Just like we might need different pairs of glasses for different situations.