ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transient electromagnetics

OK kiddo, let's talk about something called transient electromagnetics. It's a big word that means we're looking at how electricity and magnetism move and change over time.

Think about a tiny little ball that you can roll around. If you roll it really fast, it will move in a straight line, but if you stop it suddenly, it will bounce a little bit. That's what happens with electricity and magnetism too - they can move really quickly or suddenly stop, and that can create some interesting things happening.

Now, let's pretend that instead of a tiny ball you have a giant magnet. If you move the magnet, you can create an electric current. And if you use electricity, you can create a magnetic field. These two things are connected and can influence each other in really interesting ways.

Scientists who study transient electromagnetics use special machines to create electric and magnetic fields that change really quickly over time. They then measure how those fields move and change. This can help them do things like find underground minerals or investigate the structure of the Earth's crust.

So, in summary, transient electromagnetics is a way to study how electricity and magnetism move and change quickly over time, and it can help us learn more about things underground or in the Earth's crust.