ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transitivity of identity

Transitivity of identity means that if A is the same as B, and B is the same as C, then A and C are also the same thing.

Let's say you have a toy car, and you give it a name, let's call it "Speedy." You know that "Speedy" is the same toy car that you had yesterday, and you can play with it again today.

Now, let's say you decide to repaint "Speedy" a different color, and give it a new name, "Flash." Even though "Speedy" is now called "Flash," it's still the same toy car.

So, we can say that "Speedy" is the same as "Flash," because they both refer to the same toy car.

But, if we introduce another toy car, let's call it "Zoom," and we say that "Zoom" is the same as "Flash," then we can also say that "Speedy" is the same as "Zoom." This is because of the transitivity of identity - if A is the same as B, and B is the same as C, then A is the same as C.

In summary, transitivity of identity helps us understand that things can have different names or appearances, but they're still the same thing.