ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Transmodernism is a way of looking at the world that combines elements of modernism and postmodernism. Modernism is a way of thinking that values progress, reason, and rationality. Postmodernism is a way of looking at the world that emphasizes diversity, breaks down certain power structures, and is often critical of the traditional ideas of progress and reason.

Transmodernism is kind of like an idea sandwich - it uses a little bit of modernism (like the bread) and a little bit of postmodernism (like the filling) to make a new idea. With transmodernism, people try to keep the best parts of both modernism and postmodernism, and combine those parts to come up with new solutions for problems in the world. This could be using old ideas to solve new problems, or it could be creating new ways of looking at the world that combines both modern and postmodern ideas.
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