ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Transponder landing system

You know when you're playing hide and seek and your friend hides in a really good spot that's hard to find? Well, sometimes airplanes have a hard time finding the runway when they're coming in to land, especially if it's dark outside or if there's a lot of fog. That's why they use something called a transponder landing system.

A transponder landing system is like a big game of "Marco Polo" between the airplane and the airport. When the airplane gets close to the runway, it sends out a special signal that says "Marco" (also known as a transponder signal). Then, the airport sends back a signal that says "Polo" (also known as a radar signal). These signals help the airplane know where it is and how close it is to the runway.

But that's not all the transponder landing system does! It also helps the airplane know which direction to land in. Just like how you use a compass to find your way if you're lost in the woods, the airplane uses the signals from the transponder landing system to figure out which way the runway is and which way it needs to turn to land safely.

So, in summary, a transponder landing system helps airplanes find the runway and land safely. It's like playing a game of "Marco Polo" between the airplane and the airport. The airplane sends out a signal that says "Marco" and the airport sends back a signal that says "Polo." This helps the airplane know where it is and how to land safely.