ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tree of life

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big family tree, just like in family pictures. Except instead of people, it has all living things that have ever lived on earth - from tiny bugs to elephants and humans, and even plants!

This family tree is called the Tree of Life, and scientists use it to study how all living things are related to each other. Just like how you are related to your cousins and grandparents in your family, all living things are related too!

The tree has different branches, just like your family tree has different branches for your mom's and dad's family. Each branch represents a different group of living things that share similar characteristics. For example, the branch with feathers represents birds, and the branch with scales represents reptiles.

Scientists study the tree of life to understand how all living things have evolved over time, how they are similar, and how they are different. It helps us learn about different species and how they're interconnected. Just like how you learn about your family history to understand your roots, scientists use the tree of life to understand the roots of all living things on earth.

Pretty cool, huh?