ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tribe of Levi

Okay, so you know how in some families there are different jobs that people do? Like maybe one person is a doctor and another person is a teacher and another person is a chef? Well, a long time ago in a group of people called the Israelites, there was one family group called the tribe of Levi. And in that tribe, their job was to be priests and help other people talk to God.

The tribe of Levi was special because they were chosen by God to do this job. They didn't have their own land or crops like the other tribes, because their job was to travel to different towns and help people pray and learn about God.

Sometimes, the other tribes didn't treat the tribe of Levi very nicely because they weren't making their own food or selling things like the other tribes were. But the tribe of Levi believed that their job was very important and that they were doing what God wanted them to do.

Even though the tribe of Levi doesn't exist the same way today, some Jewish people still consider themselves descendants of the tribe of Levi and still help people connect with God through prayer and teaching.