ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trojan War

Long, long ago, when people still wore togas and sandals, there was a big war between two really important cities: Troy and Greece. The whole thing started because a beautiful queen named Helen was kidnapped from Greece by a prince from Troy named Paris. The Greeks were really mad because they loved Helen and they wanted her back.

So, the Greeks got their best soldiers, like the brave warrior Achilles, to go fight for Helen and get her back. But the Trojans didn't just give her up! They fought really hard to keep Helen, and the war went on for 10 whole years!

The Greeks tried different tricks to win the war, like building a giant wooden horse and pretending it was a gift to the Trojans. But really, it was a sneaky plan. Greek soldiers were hiding inside the horse, and when the Trojans brought it inside their city walls, the soldiers attacked and the Greeks finally won the war.

After the war was over, the Greeks sailed back home, but they had lost a lot of their friends and soldiers. That's why the Trojan War is a really famous story about how even when people will fight a lot for something they want, it can still be really costly and sad for everyone involved.