ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tsunamis in lakes

Okay kiddo, let's talk about tsunamis in lakes. Tsunamis are giant waves that happen when there is a big earthquake or volcanic eruption underwater. They can travel a really long way and can be very dangerous because they have a lot of energy.

Now, lakes are usually pretty calm and peaceful, right? But sometimes, there can be big landslides or rockfalls that happen near the lake. When these big blocks of earth and rock fall into the water, they can make huge waves. These waves can be so big that they act like a tsunami, even though it's just happening in a lake instead of the ocean.

When a big wave like this hits the shore, it can cause a lot of damage. It can knock down buildings, trees, and anything else that is in its path. That's why it's important to be careful around lakes and pay attention to any warning signs or alerts about potential tsunamis.

But don't worry too much, kiddo. Tsunamis in lakes don't happen very often and there are usually experts who can help keep us safe if one does happen. Just remember to always listen to grown-ups and be cautious around any big waves or unusual water activity.