ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tunable laser

Okay, kiddo! A tunable laser is a special type of laser that can shoot out different colors of light. It's like having a box of crayons, but instead of drawing, you can use it to send information down a long cable or fiber.

You know how when you shine a flashlight, the light is always the same color? Well, a tunable laser is different because it can change the color of the light it shoots out. It's kind of like a chameleon that can change its colors!

The reason why this is important is because different colors of light can carry different amounts of information. Just like how different words can carry different meanings, different colors of light can carry different amounts of data. If you can tune your laser to shoot out the right colors, you can send a lot more information through your cable or fiber.

So, let's say you want to watch a video on YouTube. The video has to travel all the way from the server (where the video is stored) to your computer. This journey happens through a long cable or fiber. If the cable or fiber only lets one color of light through, it might take a really long time for the video to get to your computer. But if the cable or fiber can let different colors of light through (like the tunable laser can shoot out), then the video can travel a lot faster!

That's why tunable lasers are so important in the world of information technology. They help us send information faster and more efficiently. Pretty cool, huh?