ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple-prism grating laser oscillator

So, you know how when you look in a mirror, you can see your reflection? That's kind of like what a laser does - it bounces light back and forth between two mirrors until it becomes really powerful and can shoot a beam of light.

Now, imagine you have more than just two mirrors. Imagine you have lots and lots of little mirrors lined up in a row. That's called a multiple-prism grating. It's like if you took a piece of paper and folded it like a fan, so you had lots of little triangles or squares all lined up.

Now, if you shine a laser at that multiple-prism grating, the light will bounce back and forth between all those little mirrors just like it did with the two mirrors in the regular laser. But because there are so many mirrors, the light will become even more powerful.

That's called a multiple-prism grating laser oscillator. It's a type of laser that uses this special multiple-prism grating to make the laser beam even stronger and more precise. It's kind of like a supercharged laser!