ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Twelve-tone technique

Okay so, imagine you have a box with 12 different kinds of toys inside - let's say blocks, balls, dolls, cars, and so on. Now imagine you want to play with all of them, but you want to use them in a very special way - you want to use each toy exactly once before you start using any toy again. So you pick up a block, then a ball, then a doll, then a car, and so on until you've used all 12 toys, and then you start again with a block, then a ball, and so on. This is basically what the twelve-tone technique is - it's a way of using 12 different musical notes (like A, B, C, D, and so on) in a special order.

The idea behind the twelve-tone technique is that instead of just randomly playing different notes, you choose a specific sequence of all 12 notes, and then use that sequence in your music. You can use each note in the sequence exactly once before starting again, just like using each toy in the box exactly once before starting again. This creates a sort of musical pattern that sounds really interesting and unique.

So let's say you choose the following sequence of 12 notes: C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. This is called a "tone row" - it's like the order of toys you picked from the toy box. Once you have your tone row, you can start using it to compose your music. You can play the notes in any order you like, but you have to use each note in the tone row exactly once before starting over. So maybe you start with the first four notes of the tone row - C, C#, D, D# - and then you play around with them in different rhythms and patterns. Then you move on to the next four notes - E, F, F#, G - and do the same thing, and so on until you've used all 12 notes in the tone row. Then you can start again with the first note, C, and keep going until you're finished with your piece of music.

Using the twelve-tone technique can create really interesting and unique music because it forces you to use all 12 notes in a specific sequence, instead of just relying on certain notes that you're more comfortable with. It can also be a bit challenging because you have to remember the order of the tone row and make sure you don't accidentally repeat any notes before you're supposed to. But with a little practice, you can create some really cool and complex music using the twelve-tone technique!