ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Twistor theory

Okay kiddo, so imagine that you have a big puzzle with lots of tiny pieces that you have to put together. These puzzle pieces each have their own special shape and color.

Well, scientists sometimes have to solve a puzzle too, but it's not made of physical pieces. It's a puzzle of understanding how the universe works. And one way they do that is by using something called twistor theory.

Twistor theory is like a special set of glasses that scientists put on to help them see the universe in a different way. Instead of looking at things like particles and waves, they look at something called twistors. Think of twistors like little strings that are constantly twisting and turning.

By studying these twistors, scientists can learn more about things like gravity and how particles interact with each other. It's sort of like solving a puzzle, but instead of putting together physical pieces, they're putting together pieces of information to help them better understand the universe.

So, in summary, twistor theory is like a special set of glasses scientists use to study the universe through twistors, which are like little strings that help them understand how things work.