ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you watch a movie or a video, there’s parts where everything seems to go in slow motion, or parts where everything goes really fast? That’s because the people who made the video edited it in a special way to change the speed of different parts.

Twixter is a tool that helps people make those changes in speed look really smooth and natural. It’s like magic! Imagine you’re riding a bicycle and you suddenly hit a patch of mud or gravel. Your bike might start to wobble or slow down really fast, right? But if you use some Twixter magic, your bike will glide smoothly through the mud and you won’t even feel a bump!

It’s kind of like that with videos. Twixter helps create smooth transitions between the slow and fast parts, so everything looks really cool and seamless. And it’s not just for movies or videos – Twixter can also be used for things like making cool special effects or even analyzing motion in sports videos to help athletes improve their technique. It’s pretty amazing what this tool can do!