ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Type rating

Type rating is like getting a special driver's license for a specific kind of vehicle, but for airplanes. Just like you need a different kind of license to drive a motorcycle than to drive a car, pilots also need different licenses to fly different kinds of planes.

When a pilot wants to fly a new kind of airplane that they haven't flown before, they need to get a type rating for that specific airplane. This means they have to undergo special training to learn how it works, how to take off and land safely, and what to do in case something goes wrong.

It's like when you learn how to ride a bike with training wheels first and then you learn to ride a bigger bike without the training wheels. The type rating is the training wheels that help pilots learn how to handle a new kind of airplane safely.

After the pilot completes the required training and passes a test, they are issued a certificate that shows they are qualified to fly that specific type of plane. With that certificate, they can then legally fly that airplane and add it to their list of qualifications.