ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

U'wa people

Okay kiddo, so the U'wa people are a group of people who live in South America, specifically in the countries of Colombia and Venezuela. They have their own language, culture, and way of life that they have been following for a very long time.

The U'wa people are very connected to nature and the environment around them. They believe that everything in nature is connected and should be respected and protected. This is why they have been fighting against big oil companies who want to drill for oil in their land. The U'wa people believe that drilling for oil would hurt the land, the animals that live there, and their way of life.

The U'wa people also have a very strong spiritual connection to the land. They believe that the mountains and rivers have their own spirits and should be treated with respect. They have special ceremonies to honor these spirits and ask for their guidance and protection.

Overall, the U'wa people have a very special way of life that is tied to their environment, beliefs, and traditions. They are fighting to protect their land and way of life from outside forces that could harm them.
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