The Unification Church is a religion that was started by a man named Sun Myung Moon in South Korea in the 1950s.
Think of it like a club or group of people who all believe the same things and follow the same teachings. The Church believes in the idea of True Parents, which means that the founder of the Church, Sun Myung Moon, and his wife are considered to be like a spiritual father and mother to all of the members.
The Church also believes that all religions have some truths in them, but that their teachings put them all together to create one unified understanding of God and the universe.
Some people may think that the Church has some unusual beliefs, such as the idea of a "spirit world" where people go after they die, or the idea that evil spirits can have a negative influence on people's lives.
Overall, the Unification Church is a group of people who believe in a set of teachings and follow a leader who they believe has a special spiritual connection to God.