ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unified Combatant Command

Okay, so think of the military like a big team. The United States military has a lot of different groups and teams within it, like the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines.

Now, imagine if each of these teams just did their own thing without talking to each other. That might not be the best idea, right? So, to help make sure everyone is working together, there are some people in charge called unified combatant commanders.

These commanders are like coaches for the team. They oversee a specific area of the world where the military is working, and they make sure all the different teams are working together and following the game plan.

Let's say there is a problem in a certain part of the world, like a natural disaster or a conflict. The unified combatant commander in charge of that region will get all the teams together to figure out how to help. They might send in the Army to deliver supplies, the Marines to provide security, and the Air Force to transport people and equipment.

So, basically, a unified combatant command is a group of people who make sure different teams in the military work together to get jobs done. It's kind of like being the coach of a big team to make sure everyone is working together to achieve the same goal.