ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unionism in Ireland

In Ireland there are two main groups of people. Some people are from Ireland and some people are from Great Britain. Back in the olden days, the people from Great Britain came over to Ireland and took over the land and the jobs. The Irish people didn't like this and wanted to have more control over their own land.

Some of the Irish people came together and formed a group called the Irish Republican Army (IRA). They fought against the British people to try and get their land back. They wanted Ireland to be a separate country instead of being ruled by the British government.

Another group of Irish people formed a group called the Unionists. They thought it was important to stay connected to Great Britain and be a part of their government. They felt that they were safer and more prosperous being part of Great Britain.

Over time, there was a lot of violence between the Unionists and the IRA. Many people were hurt and killed. Eventually, there was a big agreement called the Good Friday Agreement. This agreement said that people could choose if they wanted to be part of Ireland or part of Great Britain.

Nowadays, there are still some people who want to be part of Ireland and some people who want to be part of Great Britain. But most people are happy with the agreement and are working together to live in peace and make their communities better.