ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United Nations Charter

The United Nations Charter is like a big rule book for all the countries in the world. Imagine you and your friends made a club, and you need some rules to make sure everyone is fair and nice to each other. Well, the United Nations is like a big club for all the countries in the world, and they made some rules so that everyone can be safe and happy.

The United Nations Charter was made a long time ago, in 1945, right after the Second World War. All the leaders of the different countries got together to talk about how they can work together to make sure something like that would never happen again. They decided to make the United Nations, which is like a big meeting place for all the countries in the world, where they can talk about their problems and try to solve them together.

The United Nations Charter has a lot of rules in it, but some of the most important ones are about peace, being fair to each other, and helping people who are in trouble. It says that all the countries have to work together to keep peace in the world, and that they can't use weapons or fight with each other unless it's to protect themselves. It also says that everyone has to be nice to each other, and can't be mean or hurtful, because that's not fair. And if somebody is in trouble, like if there's a natural disaster or a war, then all the countries have to try and help them as best they can.

So, in summary, the United Nations Charter is like a big rule book for all the countries in the world. It talks about peace, fairness, and helping others in need. Just like how you and your friends need rules to make sure everyone gets along, the United Nations needs rules to make sure all the countries can live together in peace and harmony.