ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Army Coast Artillery Corps

Okay buddy, so the United States Army Coast Artillery Corps is like a really, really big group of soldiers who were in charge of protecting our country's coasts and harbors a long time ago.

You know how you have a fence or a gate to protect your house, right? Well, the Coast Artillery Corps were like a fence or a gate but for the very, very big houses of America: our ports and harbors!

They needed to protect them because a long time ago, there were bad people out there who wanted to hurt America by attacking our ports and harbors, and stealing all the stuff that came in and out of them.

So, to make sure that nobody could do that, the smart people in charge of America at the time made this group of really tough and smart soldiers who trained really, really hard to protect our coasts.

They had big guns that could shoot really, really far and really, really accurately, so if any bad guys decided to attack our coasts, the Coast Artillery Corps would be ready to fight back and protect America.

It was a really important job, and the soldiers who were part of the Coast Artillery Corps were super brave and really, really good at their job.