ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon

Do you know what a parade is? It's when a group of people walk together in a cool and organized way. The United States Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon is a special group of Marines who have been trained to do this in a very special way.

First, they are called the "silent" drill platoon because they perform their parade without saying anything. They don't even cough or sneeze! Second, they are really good at throwing and catching their rifles. They do it with so much practice that it looks like a ballet with guns!

The Marines in the Silent Drill Platoon are very serious and work very hard to be good at what they do. They practice every day for many hours. They have to be really strong and healthy too because they do lots of physical training like running and lifting weights.

People all over the world love to watch the Silent Drill Platoon do their parade. They often perform at really special events like the Super Bowl or the Presidential Inauguration. It's a really big honor to be part of the Silent Drill Platoon and everyone respects and admires them.