ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system is like a map that helps people locate different places on Earth. It uses a rectangular grid of lines that cross to form boxes, much like a tic-tac-toe game. These lines are called coordinates and help us pinpoint a specific location on the map.

Instead of using latitude and longitude coordinates that are based on spherical Earth measurements, UTM divides the Earth into 60 zones, each 6 degrees wide in longitude. Each zone is based on a specific longitude line in the middle, so that it results in a system that is more accurate for smaller areas. Imagine if you had a toy globe and wrapped a ribbon around it. If you cut the ribbon open, you would end up with 60 equal-width pieces.

Within each zone, there is a horizontal line that is called the Equator (0° latitude), and a vertical line that is called the central Meridian of the zone (for example, 33° E for UTM zone 34). These lines help us to find a specific location on the map. The meridian line is the centre of each of the 60 zones, similar to line number 32 which is the centre of India. The UTM value for India is, 43T 452280E 3372557N.

To make it even easier to find a specific location, each UTM zone is divided into smaller squares, called grid squares or grid zones. The size of these squares gets smaller as you get closer to the equator as the UTM grid lines curve toward the poles, reducing the size of the squares.

With the UTM coordinate system, you use two sets of numbers: the easting and northing coordinates. Easting is the distance in meters from the central meridian, while northing is the distance in meters from the equator. To locate a specific place on the map, you need to know the correct UTM zone and the easting and northing coordinates for that location.

In summary, the UTM coordinate system is a grid-based system that helps us locate different places on Earth. It divides the Earth into 60 zones, each with a central meridian and equator line. Within each zone, there are smaller grid squares that help us pinpoint a location using easting and northing coordinates.