ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Unsteady flow

Hello there! Do you know what flow means? It is like when you pour water out of a bottle and it goes in a stream or when you see a river moving. Unsteady flow happens when the water is not moving in a nice smooth way, like when it has a lot of bumps or changes in speed.

Let's say you are playing with a hose and you turn it on full blast. The water comes out in a strong, steady stream. But if you suddenly twist the hose or cover the end with your hand, the water flow will become unsteady. It will come out in spurts or maybe even stop and start again.

The same thing can happen in a river or stream. If there are rocks or obstacles in the water, it can create turbulence and the flow will be unsteady. Sometimes the flow might also change based on the time of day or the season.

Overall, unsteady flow just means that the water isn't moving in a nice smooth way but is instead changing in speed or direction. It can happen in a lot of different situations and can make the water look really cool!