ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vaccination record

A vaccination record is like a special list that shows all of the shots you've gotten from your doctor to help you stay healthy. Just like how you're supposed to eat healthy foods and exercise to keep your body strong, getting shots helps protect your body from getting sick from very bad germs called viruses or bacteria.

Your vaccination record keeps track of all the shots you've gotten since you were a baby, to make sure you stay healthy as you grow up. It's a little bit like a sticker chart that shows you all the hard work you've done to keep your body healthy!

Your vaccination record might have some funny names on it, like DTaP, MMR, or the flu shot. These are all special shots that help protect your body in different ways. Your doctor will give you these shots on different days, and then write them down on your vaccination record.

So, the next time you visit your doctor, don't forget to bring your vaccination record with you! Your doctor can check it to make sure you're up-to-date on all your shots and help keep you healthy. Plus, you can show off all the hard work you've done to keep your body strong!