ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vacuum permeability

Do you know what a vacuum is, little one? It’s a space that doesn’t have any air, dust or anything else in it – it’s empty!

Now, we know that there’s something called a magnetic field, which is what makes magnets work. When you put two magnets near each other, they either attract or repel depending on how they’re facing.

Vacuum permeability is basically how good a vacuum is at allowing a magnetic field to pass through it. Scientists have found out that this value is always the same, no matter where in the universe they go – it’s like a universal constant!

So, just like how we use numbers to measure things like distance or weight, we use vacuum permeability to measure the strength of a magnetic field in a vacuum.

So, even though a vacuum might seem like there’s nothing there, it’s actually important in understanding how magnetic fields work in our world!