Vairagya is a big word that means being okay with what happens around you without getting too attached to it. Imagine you have a toy that you really like, but one day you lose it. If you get very upset and cry about it for a long time, that's the opposite of vairagya. But if you can accept that the toy is gone and feel okay about it, that's what we call vairagya!
Sometimes things happen that we don't like or don't expect, like when it rains on your birthday or your friend can't come over to play. Vairagya means not letting these things get you down or change how you feel inside. It's like taking a deep breath and saying to yourself, "It's okay, I can handle this."
Vairagya doesn't mean you can't be happy or sad. It just means that you don't let the ups and downs of life control you. It's like being a rock in a river, where the water flows around you but you stay steady and strong.
So, vairagya is all about finding balance and inner strength, and not let things bother you too much.