ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Valentinus (Gnostic)

Valentinus was a person who lived a really long time ago and he had some ideas about the world that were different than most people. He believed that there was a super powerful God, but that this God was too perfect to actually create the world we live in. Instead, Valentinus thought that there was another god called the Demiurge who made the world, but didn't really do a very good job because he didn't know much about the real God.

Valentinus also believed that people have a special spark of the real God inside of them, and that they can learn more about this divine nature by understanding secrets that are hidden deep in the world. He called these secrets "gnosis", which means knowledge.

Some people thought that Valentinus' ideas were really interesting, and they became part of a group called the Gnostics. They also thought that the world was messed up and that people could only escape it by discovering their true nature and returning to the real God. They believed that Jesus was a special teacher who could help people do this, but they didn't always agree on everything.

Even though Valentinus and the Gnostics had a different way of looking at things, their ideas were still very important for some people and helped shape the way some people think about religion today.