ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vertex (curve)

Okay kiddo, imagine you draw a circle on a piece of paper. Now imagine that you draw a straight line from the middle of the circle to the edge of the circle. The point where the line meets the edge is called a vertex.

Now let's talk about curves. You know when you draw a wavy line? That's a curve. Sometimes curves can be really simple, like a circle, but other times they can be more complicated.

So when you hear the term "vertex curve," it means a curve that has a point or points on it where the curve changes direction. It's like a sharp turn in the road - when you reach the point of the vertex, you have to turn so that you can keep following the curve.

Some shapes, like triangles or squares, don't really have curves, so they don't have vertex curves. But shapes like circles, ovals, or even squiggly lines could have vertex curves.

I hope that helps you understand what a vertex curve is!