ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vitalism (Jainism)

Vitalism is a belief in Jainism that everything in the universe, including non-living things like rocks and water, has a living spirit called jiva. This spirit is thought to be a spark of life that gives energy to living things and makes them alive.

Imagine you have a toy car and a real car. The toy car is just a bunch of plastic and metal pieces that don't move unless you make them move. The real car also has metal and other materials, but it has an engine and fuel that make it move without you doing anything. This is similar to how Jainism believes that everything, even non-living things, has a spark of life that makes it special and unique.

Jainism teaches us that all things are interdependent and connected, and that everything has a purpose in the universe. Even things that seem unimportant, like a tiny plant or a bug, are vital to the balance of the world.

So next time you see a tree or a rock, remember that according to Jainism, it has a living spirit inside it called jiva.