ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Volcanic arc

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about something called a volcanic arc.

You know how sometimes there are tall mountains that have fire and hot rocks coming out of them? Those mountains are called volcanoes.

Well, sometimes there can be more than one volcano in a line. When this happens, it’s called a volcanic arc. It looks like a line of mountains with volcanoes on top of them.

This happens because there are two pieces of the Earth’s crust called tectonic plates. One of the plates is heavier and bigger than the other, so it goes underneath the other one. When this happens, the heavier plate gets pushed deep into the Earth, and it makes really hot magma.

The magma pushes up through the thinner crust and causes volcanoes to form. So a volcanic arc is formed when one tectonic plate goes under another and creates a line of volcanoes.

Volcanic arcs can be found in different parts of the world, like the Pacific Ring of Fire, and they can be really important because they help scientists study how the Earth’s crust moves and changes over time.