ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Volume percent

Imagine you have a big glass full of juice. If you pour some water into the glass, the juice will mix with the water and the volume of the liquid will increase.

Now, let's say you want to know how much of the liquid is juice and how much is water. One way to measure this is by volume percent. This means we are going to measure what percent of the liquid is juice and what percent is water based on their volumes.

For example, if the glass has 100 milliliters of liquid and 70 milliliters of it is juice, then the volume percent of juice would be 70%. This means 70% of the liquid in the glass is juice.

Another way to think about volume percent is to imagine the liquid as a pie. If we divide the pie into 100 equal parts, the volume percent would tell us how many of these parts are juice and how many are water.

Volume percent is useful in many situations, such as in chemistry when we need to know the concentration of a substance in a solution or when we want to measure how much alcohol is in a drink.