ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vulvovaginal health

Vulvovaginal health is all about taking care of our private parts, specifically the vulva and vagina. The vulva is the outside part that we can see, like the skin and the lips called labia. The vagina is the inside part. It is a special tunnel that connects the outside of our body to the womb.

Just like we take care of our other body parts, it is important to take care of our vulva and vagina too. One of the most important ways to do this is by keeping them clean. We can do this by taking a bath or shower every day, using warm water and gentle soap. Remember to always wipe from the front to the back after using the bathroom, to keep any germs from getting into the vagina.

Sometimes, things can happen that might make the vulva and vagina feel uncomfortable. Some girls may get a vaginal infection, which can cause itching, burning, or an unusual smell. This can happen if the good bacteria in the vagina get out of balance, and some bad bacteria or yeast grow too much. Things like wearing wet swimsuits for a long time, using harsh soaps or bubble baths, or not changing underwear often enough, can upset the balance of bacteria.

To keep our vulva and vagina healthy, it is important to wear clean, cotton underwear and change it every day. It is also a good idea to avoid tight or synthetic clothing, as they can make our private parts sweaty, which can lead to discomfort or infections. Sometimes, we might need to see a doctor if we notice anything strange or if we have any questions about our vulvovaginal health. Doctors know a lot about these parts and can help make sure everything is healthy.

Taking care of our vulvovaginal health is an important part of growing up and staying happy and comfortable. By keeping clean and making sure to listen to our bodies, we can have a great understanding of our private parts and keep them as healthy as possible.