ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wage curve

A wage curve is like a picture that shows how much people get paid for their work. It's like a map that helps people see how much money they should expect to make in different jobs.

Picture this: imagine you and your friends are all grown up and have jobs. Some of you might be doctors, some might be teachers, and some might work in stores. If you were to take a picture of everyone's salaries and put them on a graph, you'd have a wage curve!

The wage curve shows how much money people make based on the job they have. For example, doctors make more money than teachers because being a doctor requires more education and training. People who work in stores might make less money because their job requires less education or training. The wage curve can help people choose a job that will pay them well and also help them know if they are being paid as much as they should for the job they have.
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