ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

War dance

Okay kiddo, do you know what a dance is? It's when we move our bodies to music and it can be for fun or to tell a story. Well, a war dance is a type of dance that people do before they go into battle.

In some cultures, when people go to war, they believe they need to prepare themselves mentally and physically. One way they do this is by doing a war dance. It helps them get ready for the fight ahead by getting them pumped up and focused.

Each culture has its own war dance, and they can look different from each other. Sometimes it involves stomping their feet, jumping, and yelling. Other times it might involve making gestures with their hands or carrying weapons while dancing.

War dances are also a way to show the enemy that they are strong and ready to fight. It's a way for the warriors to look powerful and intimidating to their opponents.

But it's important to remember that war dances are a way to prepare for war, not to promote violence. It's much better to find peaceful solutions to conflicts instead of resorting to violence.