A watercar is a type of vehicle that is designed to travel both on land and in the water. It looks like a regular car, but it has some special features that allow it to float and move on water.
The watercar is built with a special kind of hull that helps it to float, sort of like a boat. It also has propellers and a special engine that allows it to move through the water. When it is on land, the watercar is powered by a regular car engine.
To get into the water, the driver has to do some special things. First, they have to make sure the engine and other important parts are sealed up tightly so that water doesn't get in. Then, they have to drive the watercar into the water and start up the special water engine. The propellers will start spinning and the watercar will start moving through the water like a boat.
One important thing to remember is that a watercar can't go as fast on water as it can on land. This is because the water creates more resistance, which slows the vehicle down. The watercar is still pretty cool, though, because it can go places that regular cars can't, like across lakes or down rivers.
Overall, a watercar is a really cool invention that allows people to travel on both land and water using the same vehicle!