ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wave Twisters

Okay, imagine you are playing with a slinky, you know, that long, stretchy metal thingy that you can make bounce up and down. Now, imagine you wiggling one end up and down really fast.

When you do this, you create little bumps or "hills" that travel along the slinky, right? Those little bumps are kind of like "waves" moving along the slinky.

Now, imagine something similar happening in the air but with invisible waves. This is what we call a "wave twister". Wave twisters are little bumps or "hills" that happen in the air and they can travel super fast, like the speed of sound!

Wave twisters can be caused by all sorts of things, like airplanes moving through the air, thunderstorms, or even by the sun heating up the Earth's surface. And these wave twisters can affect a lot of things, like changing the weather or even affecting how planes fly!