ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weapons of the Weak

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes there are things that we don't like, but we don't have a lot of power to change them? Like when you don't want to eat your vegetables but your mom says you have to, and you can't do much about it because she's bigger and stronger than you?

Well, sometimes grown-ups feel like that too. There are things in the world that they don't like, but they don't have the power to change them directly. But they're not completely powerless - they can still do some things that make a difference.

One way they do this is by using something called "weapons of the weak". Now, when we hear the word "weapons", we might think of guns or swords or things like that. But that's not exactly what this means.

"Weapons of the weak" is actually a term that describes the ways that people who don't have a lot of power can still resist things they don't like. These might be things like unfair rules or laws, or things that make their lives harder. And there are lots of different ways to do this!

For example, sometimes people might not directly disobey a rule, but they might find ways to bend it or get around it. Like when you don't want to eat your vegetables, you might try to hide them under your plate or feed them to the dog. Grown-ups might do things like this too - they might find loopholes in a law or a contract, or find ways to interpret it in a way that works better for them.

Another thing people might do is use humor or satire to make a point. Like when you don't want to eat your vegetables, you might make a silly face or pretend they're yucky. Grown-ups might do things like this too - they might make fun of a person or an idea to show that they don't agree with it.

Some people might also use things like gossip or rumors to spread information or opinions. Now, gossip and rumors aren't always nice things - but sometimes they can help people get their point across when they don't have other ways to do it.

So, "weapons of the weak" are all the little ways that people who don't have a lot of power can still make a difference. It's like they're using their creativity and their wits to fight back against things they don't like - even if they can't do it directly.