ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web query classification

Okay, let's say you want to search for something on the internet. You type some words into a search engine like Google, right? When you hit "search", the words you typed are called a "web query".

Web query classification is like having a big computer brain that looks at all the different things people type into search engines and tries to figure out what they are looking for. It tries to group similar web queries together based on what they mean or what people might be trying to find.

For example, if lots of people are typing "best restaurants in New York City" into Google, the computer brain might decide that this web query is related to food or travel. So it will group that search term with other similar ones, like "top-rated restaurants NYC" or "great places to eat in Manhattan".

This classification system helps search engines like Google show you better search results. When you search for something, the search engine uses that classification to figure out the best websites to show you. That way, you can find what you're looking for faster and easier.