ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

West Indies Squadron (United States)

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, the United States was just a baby country and it had to make friends with other countries in order to be safe. One of those friends was a group of islands called the West Indies. The West Indies were very important because they had lots of good things that the United States wanted.

To protect its interests in the West Indies, the United States decided to create a special group of ships called the West Indies Squadron. These were like a group of superheroes who would protect the baby country's interests.

The West Indies Squadron made sure that no other countries tried to take over the West Indies and that the United States could keep getting the good things it needed from those islands. The sailors on the ships had to be very brave and strong and work really hard to make sure the West Indies stayed safe.

But just like all good things, the West Indies Squadron eventually came to an end. The United States grew bigger and stronger and didn't need the West Indies Squadron to protect it anymore. But we can always remember the brave sailors who sailed those ships and protected our interests in the West Indies.