ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

What The Bleep Do We Know

"What the bleep do we know" is a movie that talks about how our thoughts and emotions can affect the world around us. The movie teaches us that everything in the world is made up of tiny things called atoms that are always moving and interacting with each other.

Our brains can also create pathways that help us understand the world around us. However, sometimes these pathways can also limit our understanding of the world. For example, if you always think that you're not good enough, that thought can become a pathway in your brain that makes it harder for you to believe in yourself.

The movie also talks about how our emotions and thoughts can affect the molecules around us. When we think positive thoughts or have positive emotions, we send out good vibrations that can affect the molecules in the world around us.

Overall, the movie encourages us to focus on positive thoughts and emotions, and to be open to new ways of viewing the world around us.