ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wide and narrow data

Okay kiddo, let me explain. Data is like a bunch of information that we put together to make sense out of things. We can have different types of data depending on what we are trying to do.

Narrow data means we have very specific information about something. It's like looking at a close-up picture of something where we can see all the little details. For example, if we were looking at a specific type of flower, narrow data would tell us things like the color of the petals, the number of petals, the size of the stem and other very specific details about that flower.

On the other hand, wide data means we have a broader overview of something. It's like looking at a big picture of something where we can see the whole thing, even if it's not as detailed. If we were looking at a field of flowers, wide data would tell us things like how many flowers there are, what colors they are overall and how big the field is, but we might not know as much about each individual flower.

So, basically, narrow data is like zooming in on something and learning very specific details about it, while wide data is like stepping back and getting a bigger overall view of things without as much detail about each individual small thing.