ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wide dynamic range

Okay kiddo, so wide dynamic range means that something can handle a lot of different types of sounds or light levels without losing details. Imagine you're in a room and there's a quiet whisper, and then suddenly someone yells really loudly. Your ears can handle both sounds without hurting, right? That's kinda like having a wide dynamic range.

Now let's say you're taking a picture of the same room. If the room is really bright outside and really dark inside, a camera without wide dynamic range might not be able to capture everything. The bright part might look good, but the dark part might just be a black blob with no details. But a camera with wide dynamic range can handle both the bright and dark parts and make sure you can see all the details in a picture.

So basically, wide dynamic range means something can handle lots of different levels of sound or light without losing any details. Whether it's your ears listening to sounds or a camera taking pictures, having a wide dynamic range is really helpful!