ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Widmore, London

Okay kiddo, so you remember the show we watched about the island called Lost? Well, there was a man named Charles Widmore who lived in London. He was very rich and powerful and he wanted to control the island for himself. But there were other people who wanted the island too, like the Oceanic survivors.

So, Widmore would use his money and influence to try and find the island and get there before anyone else. But he also had a personal vendetta against one of the people on the island named Benjamin Linus. They had a beef with each other and it went way back to when they were both on the island years ago.

Basically, Widmore and his team in London were always trying to track down the island and gather information on how to get there. They had a lot of resources, like spy satellites and special equipment, to help them find it. But they had to be careful because other people were also looking for the island and they didn't want to let them get ahead.

In the end, Widmore was able to get to the island but he never really got what he wanted. He was always trying to control things and make them go his way, but sometimes life just doesn't work like that. And that's okay, because sometimes it's better to just let things be and trust that everything will work out in the end.