ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wiki markup

Wiki markup is a magic language that helps us write and organize information on a website called a "wiki". It's like a secret code that tells the computer how to display and format the text we write.

For example, if we want to add a heading to our article, we can start a new line and put two equal signs on each side of our text. Like this:

== This is a Heading ==

When we save the page, the computer will recognize those two equal signs as a signal to make the text bigger and bolder, like a title.

We can also use wiki markup to make lists, add links to other pages, insert pictures, and so much more. It's like a special toolbox with different tools we can use to make our page look and function just the way we want it to.

But don't worry if it seems complicated at first - there are plenty of resources and tutorials available to help us learn and master this magical language. And once we do, we can create amazing content and share our ideas with the whole world!