ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever met someone new and you were really nice to them? Maybe you invited them to play with you or showed them around your school or neighborhood? That's kind of like what willkommenskultur means.

Willkommenskultur is a German word that means "culture of welcome". It's a way of describing how people in Germany treat people who come to their country from other places. When people move to a new place, it can be scary and hard for them because everything is unfamiliar. That's why willkommenskultur is important - it means that the people in a place are really nice and welcoming to those who are new.

This is especially important when people move to a new country because there are lots of things that are different. They might not speak the same language, the food might be different, and they might not know anyone. Willkommenskultur means that people are patient with newcomers and help them adjust to their new surroundings.

So, just like how you would be friendly and welcoming to a new kid at school, Germany in particular has decided to treat people who come to their country with kindness and respect. It's a way to make them feel safe and at home in their new environment.